Topic outline

  • General

    Details of the support and advice offered to families during the class suspension period can be found below. If we are able to support you or your child with home learning is any way, please do not hesitate to let us know.

    If you require any technical support please contact our technical support team  

    • Topic 1

      ⦿ Overview of Distance Learning Provision

      Our distance learning provision is based on a mixture of live Zoom lessons and independent tasks that are completed at the students own pace. The routine for each class should follow a familiar daily pattern which follows the normal school day as far as possible. This will include a welcome from the teacher, an overview of learning in each area and information to support engagement from home. This ensures that children and families know what to expect.

      Children and families can access detailed information about the distance learning provision for their class, along with all relevant links and resources by visiting the appropriate year group page on the VLE .

      ⦿ Live Zoom Lessons (Guide to Downloading and Using Zoom >)

      We recognise that great quality inquiry learning is more likely to happen when we are working live with children maintaining interpersonal relationships and motivation. Daily Zooms with class teachers and specialists are designed to focus on teaching new content as well as clarifying guidelines for independent learning.

      The primary reasons for the Zoom teaching sessions are:

      1. To teach new content as well as question, inquire and inspire

      2. To support student wellbeing - personal and social development.

      3. To address misconceptions, re-teach, question and support learners

      4. To clarify instructions for independent learning where appropriate.

      5. To reflect on learning and to choose the next steps in learning.

      ⦿ Independent Tasks 

      Independent learning may include experiences, assessments or even collaborative tasks that are usually completed within a window of time that are linked to your child’s live Zoom time learning.  This learning could be linked to the Unit of Inquiry (UOI), to Mathematics, to languages or to other specialist or curricular areas.  At times these independent learning tasks may be supported by learning resources like Screencasts, videos or other online resources that may involve students watching pre-recorded video lessons or contributing to online discussion boards.

      Students will be able to independently and flexibly access and complete these independent tasks at their own pace.  Your child should not require extensive adult support to complete these tasks.

      • Topic 2

        ⦿ Library Lending

        Our school library remains open for lending during the class suspension period. Students may reserve up to 3 books by using our reservations system. 

        Please refer to the schedule below which is organised to enable disinfection in between lending. The reserved books will be available to families to pick up in the carpark at the rear gate. 

        Year Group


        Pick up Time at school

        Year 3


        12:15 - 1:15

        Year 4


        12:15 - 1:15

        Year 2 


        12:15 - 1:15

        Year 5 & 6


        12:15 - 1:15

        Year 1


        12:15 - 1:15


        Library books can be dropped off at anytime between 8:30am and 2:30pm - (there will be boxes with lids outside the gates for drop off).

        To reserve library books (which can be picked up on their designated days) please visit the School Library page on the VLE.

        • Topic 3

          Laptop Loan

          We are happy to lend laptops to those families who need one during the class suspension. If you would like to borrow a laptop from school please fill in the Google Form at the following link to request one

          • Topic 4

            Online Conferencing Guidelines

            We have developed these guidelines for families to optimise our online teaching sessions and to enable effective learning for children.  In order for the Zoom sessions to run safely and effectively,  please pay close attention to the following points.  Parents should ensure that these guidelines are understood by other adults who are supporting children during the online sessions.

            • We agree to be on time for our Zoom sessions

            • We agree to be appropriately dressed for the Zoom sessions (e.g. In daytime clothing not Pyjamas)

            • We agree to attend fully to the Zoom sessions by listening to our classmates and teachers and contributing when needed

            • We will choose an appropriate space to work in, where we can sit upright and attend fully, using our whole body listening

            • We will limit our distractions (e.g. focus on windows and tabs with school learning only during this time)

            • Topic 5

              Home Learning Environment Advice

              • Declutter
                Create a visually neat space for children to focus and concentrate on the task at hand

              • Consider Noise Level
                Ensure a quiet space free of background noise & activity

              • Consider Privacy & Safety
                Consider what’s in the background, do not go to toilet with a child on zoom!

              • Ensure younger children are supported to manage technology where necessary