Topic outline

  • General

    A very warm welcome to ESF Glenealy School! We are delighted that you have chosen our school for your child's Primary Education. 

    We understand that beginning a new school is a significant and special event for all children. Whether your child is transitioning from home or from another school, you will find information and resources on these pages to help your child and your family become familiar with our school and support a smooth transition.

    • Topic 1

       Induction to Year 1 - Transitioning to Primary School

      Please use the link above if you are joining Year 1. The site contains practical information about Year 1, including introductions to key members of staff that children will meet

      • Topic 2

         Induction to Year 2 to Year 6 - Transitioning to Glenealy - New Student Welcome Pack 

        Please use the link above if you are a new student in Year 2 to Year 6. The site contains important information on school organisation, student health & wellness, severe weather information etc.