Topic outline

  • General


    Events and celebrations are organised to enhance the educational experience for the children at school and to enable the community to come together. Previous events include Diwali and Hannukah celebrations, Christmas ornament making, Christmas party lunch and disco, CNY celebrations and the very popular Glenealy School Fair!  

    Highlights from 2023/2024 Events & Celebrations

    Highlights from 2022/2023 Events & Celebrations

    • Topic 1

      FAMILY BINGO NIGHT (30 May 2024)

      The ever popular Family Bingo Night returned for a second time this year on Thursday 30 May and was a roaring success. 

      Our hosts for the evening were the charming Mr. Jones and the lovely Ms Robinson. Together they kept the excitement level at the highest with their Bingo commentary as the numbers were called. As the evening progressed, Mr. Coyle, Ms Harding and Ms Macrea presented gifts to all the winners from an assortment of prizes provided by our generous sponsors. Smiles were everywhere. 


      For more pictures of the evening click here.

      A massive thanks again to our generous sponsors.



      • Topic 2

        Y4 FUNDRAISER - BAKE SALE (10 May 2024)

        For more pictures CLICK HERE

        • Topic 3

          Y1 FUNDRAISER - BAKE SALE (19 April 2024)

          For more pictures CLICK HERE

          • Topic 4

            Y2 FUNDRAISER BAKE SALE (15 March 2024)

            For more pictures CLICK HERE. 

            • Topic 5


              For more pictures CLICK HERE

              • Topic 6

                Chinese New Year - Surprise visit by Cáishén the Money God. 

                For more pictures CLICK HERE

                • Topic 7

                  PTA PIZZA LUNCH AND DISCO (12 December 2023)

                  For more pictures CLICK HERE

                  • Topic 8

                    Y3 FUNDRAISER BAKE SALE (6 December 2023)

                    For more pictures CLICK HERE

                    • Topic 9


                      For more pictures CLICK HERE.

                      • Topic 10

                        WINTER FAIR (24 November 2023)



                        For more pictures CLICK HERE

                        • Topic 11

                          DIWALI ARTS & CRAFTS

                          For more pictures CLICK HERE

                          • Topic 12

                            Y6 FUNDRAISER BAKE SALE (3 November 2023)

                            For more pictures CLICK HERE

                            • Topic 13

                              PTA Annual General Meeting 2023


                              For more pictures CLICK HERE

                              • Topic 14

                                FAMILY BINGO NIGHT (5 September 2023)

                                For more pictures CLICK HERE

                                • Topic 15

                                  Glenealy School Fair

                                  2023 Welcomed back the Glenealy School Fair, and what an amazing event it turned out to be! It was wonderful to see so many of the Glenealy families there having fun and making the most of the food, games and activities available. It was also fantastic to see so much support from our community, whether you helped organise, volunteered on the day, donated toys, books, baking or food, the fair would not have been possible without your involvement. Thank you! 















                                  • Topic 16

                                    PREPARING FOR CHRISTMAS

                                    Our PTA and team of Parent Volunteers who have worked every year group this week to run Christmas Decoration Workshops during lunch times. The children have loved making the decorations and are very proud to see the final result of their efforts decorating our Christmas Tree and the playground.

                                    A very big thank you to the PTA and Parent Volunteers who worked so hard to run this event.


                                    • Topic 17

                                      Celebrating Hanukkah at Glenealy School

                                      Our team of Parent Volunteers have been working with the students to bring some festive Hanukkah fun during lunchtimes. Students have been able to decorate dreidels, play the dreidel game and also play the candle in the bottle game. 

                                      We have seen presentations in classrooms from some of our students to help us learn more about Hanukkah.

                                      Special thanks to our Parent Volunteers for organising and running the Hanukkah events this week. 


                                      • Topic 18

                                        Celebrating Diwali at Glenealy School 2022

                                        We have had lots of fun learning about and celebrating Diwali at Glenealy School.

                                        Please enjoy more pictures showing the events from the week in this film here.

                                        We would like to give special thanks to our team of parents and adults who have been helping the children each lunchtime to create clay Diyas and Rangoli patterns on the playground. 

                                        Wishing all of our families a Happy Diwali !


                                        • Topic 20

                                          Pizza and Disco 2022 

                                          Thank you to our team of Parent Volunteers for organising and delivering pizza to all of our classes, the students were very excited by this treat and they entered the disco feeling energised!

                                          • Topic 21


                                            “Bringing our Community Together  to Celebrate Mid Autumn Festival”

                                            We were thrilled to have been able to hold our Mid-Autumn Festival event and bring our families and community together to start the new academic year in a safe and socially distanced way.

                                            Concept note: Our School, Our Canvas

                                            The Mid Autumn Festival Art Installation Walkthrough was a collaboration between all staff and children, and our community as a whole. 

                                            Taking inspiration from a variety of galleries and events which Glenealy School staff have attended, staff and students have worked together to realise our vision; Our School, Our Canvas.

                                            Our School Our Canvas: inspired by Dan Flavin’s Constructed Light, the dialogue between art and architecture.

                                            Our School, Our Canvas

                                            Please click on the links below to access the photographs, sound files and films which were shared during the evening.

                                            Participatory Artwork

                                            Participatory Artwork

                                            Year Group Light Installations

                                            Year Group Light Installations

                                            Chinese Culture Study

                                            Chinese Culture Study

                                            Photographic Documentation

                                            Photographic Documentation

                                            Sound Installation

                                            Year 5 and 6 have worked with music sequencing software to create musical
                                            soundscape pieces that have been woven together to create a soundtrack for our Mid Autumn Festival.
                                            There is almost 40 minutes of music that has been created by the students. The works swing from the eclectic, to jazz, to rock, to vocal, to electric styles.
                                            The students' pieces are infused with recordings of the story of Mid Autumn
                                            Festival spoken in Mandarin and sporadically interspersed with Year 3 students wishing us a Happy Mid Autumn Festival.