Topic outline

  • General

    • Topic 1

      Welcome to Glenealy School PTA. The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is an important link between school and parents. It provides support to the school and its community both financially and socially. The spirit and warmth of our parent community is a distinguished aspect of Glenealy School.  Watch our short introduction video below for further information about the PTA and what we do.

      PTA Membership

      All families with children attending ESF schools automatically become members of that school’s PTA.  There is a subscription fee per family every year. With this fee we support the school by engaging our students in fun and interesting activities and events, financial contributions to school renovations and looking after the wellbeing of the school community.  Whilst we appreciate that this year may be challenging given the current context, we hope to be able to continue providing activities using different platforms to maintain community spirit throughout Glenealy.

      The PTA relies on the contribution of the Glenealy community who donate their skills and time to enhance and upgrade the school’s environment.  We are incredibly grateful for this untiring support and involvement. In recent years, PTA has worked with the school on extensive internal and external renovations and enhancements through various fundraising activities.

      Becky Steel is your school PTA administrator. To contact her at the school PTA office, email or telephone 2522 1919.